Gentle Ministries International believes that sexual abuse is a spiritual problem.
We also believe that the way to curb this worldwide problem is to bring Spiritual healing to victim/survivors.
Therefore, the mission of Gentle Ministries International is to:

Create Awareness

1. Create awareness and share knowledge of what sexual abuse is, as well as the effects it has on victims, their families, and community.

Provide Hope

2. Provide hope for healing to those who have been sexually abused, through support groups and retreats for sexual abuse victim/survivors, their pro-survivors, and spouses.


Teach pastors

Teach pastors and the public, methods of ministering to those who have been sexually abused (both women and men victim/survivors) from a Christian perspective.



Emphasize to pastors the importance of preaching on the evils of sexual abuse in all its forms.

Victims of Childhood Sexual abuse have survived great trauma, be gentle when ministering to them.